

N is for "NEVER"

"N" is for "Never"!!
and "Never" is not always Negative but it can sometimes be able to give you courage and strength to face all the odds! Isn't it?
So in this post I will share three of my favorite quotes with the word "NEVER" to be the basic ingredient!
And the first one is simply "NEVER GIVE UP!"
And then the crux of love quotes mentioning, "Never make the one you love feel alone, especially when you are there!"
And lastly, "Never let people get to you. They can't pull the trigger if you don't give them the gun!"
And above all, its pertinent to mention that this post has been specifically compiled for ABC Wednesday and is dedicated to the founder Mrs Denise Nesbitt and to Roger!
Thanks a lot for arranging this beautiful event!
I hope that I have done everything right this time :-)
If you have any "NEVER" posts to share or any random thoughts regarding the above quotes, please feel free to comment below!


  1. Oh, I like the last one especially! Great advice:)

  2. NEVER give in to hopelessness. NEVER is sometimes the right word...
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. Perfect quotes! Love 'em...

    abcw team

  4. Never give Up!

    Never Forget!
    I think of this one in light of the tragedy in Boston,Mass. yesterday.
    We will never forget...9-11 or the other human painful happenings.

  5. All three quotes are excellent,and need to be on my refrigerator!

    Thanks for sharing them.

  6. So inspiring and the loveliest use of "Never" ever!

  7. Never say never!
    Great collection.

  8. Great use of the word, love that last one.
    Joy - ABC Team
